
The Internationalization of Ayahuasca. Zurich, Lit Verlag, 2011.

The Internationalization of Ayahuasca is composed of 27 articles (almost 500 pages) and is divided in three parts: “Ayahuasca in South America and the world”, “About medical, psychological and pharmacological Issues: is the use of ayahuasca safe?” and “The expansion of the use of Ayahuasca and the establishment of a global debate on ethics and Read More

Ayahuasca y Salud. Barcelona: Los Libros de La Liebre de Marzo, 2013.

This collection is composed of 22 articles, an introduction and a foreword. It brings together perspectives from the social and biomedical sciences as well as personal accounts of ayahuasca shamans and practitioners in order to address diverse indigenous, mestizo and Western concepts of health, illness and curing related to the use of ayahuasca.  Through a comparative analysis Read More

The Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca. Berlin/ Heidelberg: Springer, 2014.

This book presents a series of perspectives on the therapeutic potential of  the ritual and clinical use of the Amazonian hallucinogenic brew ayahuasca in the treatment and management of various diseases and ailments, especially its role in psychological well-being and substance dependence. Biomedical and anthropological data on the use of ayahuasca for treating depression, PTSD, Read More

Prohibition, Religious Freedom, and Human Rights: Regulating Traditional Drug Use. Berlin/ Heidelberg: Springer, 2014.

This book addresses the use and regulation of traditional drugs such as peyote, ayahuasca, coca leaf, cannabis, khat and Salvia divinorum. The uses of these substances can often be found at the intersection of diverse areas of life, including politics, medicine, shamanism, religion, aesthetics, knowledge transmission, socialization, and celebration. The collection analyzes how some of Read More

Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014.

This book discusses how Amerindian epistemology and ontology related to certain indigenous shamanic rituals of the Amazon spread to Western societies, and how indigenous, mestizo, and cosmopolitan cultures have dialogued with and transformed these forest traditions. The collection also focuses on how shamanic rituals have been spreading and developing in post-traditional urban contexts throughout the Read More