was born in 1978 in Montreal. He got his bachelor’s (2008) and master’s (2011) degrees in International Law and International Relations at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). He spent the last year of his bachelor course in Brazil as a foreign student at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre and as an academic intern in the Ministery of Justice in Brasília. He works as a research assistant and helped coordinate academic events in the fields of Consumer Law, Development, and Inter-American Relations. During his M.A. course, he developed his research, guided by post-colonial and post-structuralist theories, on the genealogy of drugs, their place in the political economy, the prohibition regime, and the traditional and religious uses of psychoactive substances. He is the author of the thesis "La légitimité des rituels de l’ayahuasca et du peyotl: Entre liberté religieuse et déterminisme culturel" [The legitimacy of the ayahuasca and peyote rituals: Between religious freedom and cultural determinism], in which he compares the way the State has considered the legitimacy of ayahuasca rituals to its consideration of those involving peyote.