Sidarta Tollendal Gomes Ribeiro. Song, Sleep and the Slow Evolution of Thoughts. Saarbrücken, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009.
Sidarta Tollendal Gomes Ribeiro. Entendendo as Coisas. Porto Alegre, Editora L&PM, 1998.
Renato Malcher-Lopes & Sidarta Tollendal Gomes Ribeiro. Maconha, Cerebro e Saude. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Vieira e Lent, 2007.
RIBEIRO S. Dream, memory and Freud’s reconciliation with the brain. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry). 2003; 25: 59-63.
de Araujo D.B., RIBEIRO S., Cecchi G.A., Carvalho F. M., Sanchez T.A., Pinto J.P., Martinis B.S., Crippa J.A., Hallak, J.E.C., Santos, A.C.. Seeing with the Eyes Shut: Neural Basis of Enhanced Visual Imagery following Ayahuasca Ingestion. Human Brain Mapping, In Press, 2011.
Lopes-dos-Santos, V. ; Campi, J. ; Filevich, O. ; RIBEIRO, S. ; ETCHENIQUE, R.. In vivo Photorelease of GABA in the mouse cortex. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, In Press, 2011.
Lopes-dos-Santos, V. ; Conde S.O., Nicolelis M.A.L., RIBEIRO, S., Tort, A.B.L.. Neuronal assembly detection and cell membership specification by Principal Component Analysis. PLoS One, In Press, 2011.
Scott, R. ; RIBEIRO, S. A Ocorrência de Sonhos Antecipatórios é Proporcional à Crença em sua Eficácia. Neurobiologia (Recife. Impresso), v. 73, p. 73-86, 2010.
Ribeiro, TL, Copelli, M, Caixeta, F, Belchior H, Chialvo DR, Nicolelis, MAL, RIBEIRO S. Spike avalanches exhibit universal dynamics across the sleep-wake cycle. Plos One. 2010; 5: e14129: 1-14..
Simões CS, Vianney P, Freire MAM, de Moura, MM, Mello LE, Sameshima, K, Araujo, JF, Nicolelis MAL, Mello, CV, RIBEIRO, S.. Activation of frontal neocortical areas by vocal production in marmosets. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 2010; 4: e123:1-12.
Mota-Rolim SA, Erlacher, D, Tort ABL, Araujo JF, RIBEIRO S.. Different kinds of subjective experience during lucid dreaming may have different neural substrates. International Journal of Dream Research. 2010; 3: 33-35.
Loula A, Gudwin R, RIBEIRO S, Queiroz J.. On building meaning: a biologically-inspired experiment on symbol-based comuunication. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2010; 657: 77-93.
Dzirasa K , Santos LM, RIBEIRO S , Stapleton J, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG, Nicolelis, MAL.. Persistent hyperdopaminergia decreases the peak frequency of hippocampal theta oscillations during quiet waking and REM sleep. PloS One. 2009; 4: e5238: 1-8.
RIBEIRO S, Pereira CM, Faber J, Blanco W, Nicolelis MAL. Downscale or emboss synapses during sleep? Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2009; 3: 420-421.
RIBEIRO S , Loula A, de Araújo I, Gudwin R, Queiroz J.. Symbols are not uniquely human. Biosystems. 2007; 90: 263-272.
Santos LM, Dzirasa K, Kubo R, Silva MT, RIBEIRO S, Sameshima K, Valle, AC, Timo-Iaria, C.. Baseline hippocampal theta oscillation speeds correlate with rate of operant task acquisition. Behavioural Brain Research. 2008; 190: 152-155.
RIBEIRO S, Shi X, Engelhard M, Zhou Y, Zhang H, Gervasoni D, Lin, SC, Wada K, Lemos, NAM, Nicolelis MAL. Novel experience induces persistent sleep-dependent plasticity in the cortex but not in the hippocampus. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2007; 1: 43-55.
Pantoja J, RIBEIRO S, Wiest M, Soares E, Gervasoni D, Lemos, NAM, Nicolelis MAL. Neuronal activity in the primary somatosensory thalamocortical loop is modulated by reward contingency during tactile discrimination. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2007; 27: 10608-10620.
Dzirasa K, RIBEIRO S, Costa R, Santos LM, Lin SC, Grosmark A, Sotnikova TD, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG, Nicolelis MAL. Dopaminergic control of sleep-wake states. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2006; 26: 10577-10589.
Pereira A, RIBEIRO S, Wiest M, Moore LC, Pantoja J, Lin S-C, Nicolelis MAL. Processing of tactile information by the hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007; 104: 18286-18291.
Gervasoni, D *, Lin SC *, RIBEIRO S *, Soares ES, Pantoja J, Nicolelis MAL. Global forebrain dynamics predict rat behavioral states and their transitions. The Journal of Neuroscience; 2004; 24: 11137-11147. * Equal contribution.
Nicolelis MAL, RIBEIRO S. Seeking the neural code. Scientific American. 2006; 295: 70-77.
RIBEIRO S, Nicolelis MAL. Reverberation, storage, and postsynaptic propagation of memories during sleep. Learning & Memory. 2004; 11: 686-696.
RIBEIRO S, Gervasoni D, Soares ES, Zhou Y, Lin SC, Pantoja J , Lavine M, Nicolelis MAL. Long-lasting novelty-induced neuronal reverberation during slow-wave sleep in multiple forebrain areas. PLoS Biology. 2004: 2: e24.
Pinaud, R ,Vargas, C., RIBEIRO S, Monteiro, MV, Tremere LA, Vianney P, Delgado P, Mello, CV, Rocha-Miranda CE, Volchan E. Light-induced Egr-1 expression in the striate cortex of the opossum. Brain Research Bulletin. 2003; 61: 139-146.
RIBEIRO S, Mello CV, Velho T, Gardner T, Jarvis ED, Pavlides C. Induction of hippocampal long-term potentiation during waking leads to increased extra-hippocampal zif-268 expression during ensuing rapid-eye-movement sleep. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2002; 22: 10914-10923.
Nicolelis, MAL, RIBEIRO S. Multielectrode recordings: the next steps. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2002; 12: 602-606.
Jarvis ED, RIBEIRO S, da Silva ML, Ventura D, Vielliard J, Mello CV. Behaviourally driven gene expression reveals song nuclei in hummingbird brain. Nature. 2000; 406 :628-632.
RIBEIRO S, Mello CV. Gene expression and synaptic plasticity in the auditory forebrain of songbirds. Learning & Memory. 2000; 7: 235-243.
Cecchi G, RIBEIRO S, Mello CV, Magnasco MO. An automated system for the mapping and quantitative analysis of immunocytochemistry of an inducible nuclear protein. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 1999; 87: 147-158.
RIBEIRO S, Goyal V, Mello, CV, Pavlides C. Brain gene expression during REM sleep depends on prior waking experience. Learning & Memory. 1999; 6: 500-508.
RIBEIRO S, Mello CV, Pinaud R. Noradrenergic system of the zebra finch brain: Immunocytochemical study of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 1998; 400: 207-228.
RIBEIRO S, Cecchi G, Magnasco MO, Mello CV. Toward a song code: Evidence for a syllabic representation in the canary brain. Neuron. 1998; 21: 359-371.
Mello CV, RIBEIRO S. ZENK protein regulation by song in the brain of songbirds. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 1998; 393: 426-438.
Giugliano, LG, Meyer, CJ, Arantes, LC, RIBEIRO S, Giugliano R. Mannose-resistant haemagglutination (MRHA) and haemolysin (Hly) production of strains of Escherichia coli isolated from children with diarrhoea: effect of breastfeeding. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 1992; 39: 183-187.
Giugliano LG, RIBEIRO S, Vainstein MH, Ulhoa, CJ. Free secretory component and lactoferrin of human milk inhibit the adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 1995; 42: 3-9.
Jarvis ED, Schwabl H, RIBEIRO S, Mello CV. Brain gene regulation by territorial singing in freely ranging songbirds. NeuroReport. 1997; 8: 2073-2077.
RIBEIRO, S. Tenha bons sonhos.... Ciência Hoje das Crianças, Rio de Janeiro, p. 3 - 5, 01 dez. 2010.
Menezes, J. R. L. ; RIBEIRO, S. ; Rehen, S. K. ; Pimenta, J. O lobby da proibição. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 07 set. 2010.
RIBEIRO, S. Para que servem os sonhos?. Mente e Cérebro, São Paulo, p. 28 - 34, 01 out. 2010.
RIBEIRO, S. A ciência por trás do filme A Origem. Veja, 19 ago. 2010.
RIBEIRO, S. ; Menezes, J. R. L. ; Pimenta, J. ; Rehen, S. K.. Ciência de fraude no debate da maconha. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 30 jul. 2010.
RIBEIRO, S. Com o dedo na ferida: Brasilia, 1991. Folha de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, p. 7 - 7, 13 jun. 2010.
Lopes, R. M. ; RIBEIRO, S. Os efeitos mentais da maconha. Viver Mente e Cérebro, São Paulo, 10 jan. 2008.
RIBEIRO, S. Um século depois, a vez do NeuroFreud. Estado de São Paulo: Caderno Aliás, Brasil, p. J5 - J5, 02 dez. 2007.
Ribeiro, Sidarta ; NICOLELIS, M. A. L. Propagação, criação e simulação de memórias. Mente e cérebro: sonhos, Brasil, p. 48 - 55, 01 fev. 2005.
RIBEIRO, S. Towards an evolutionary theory of sleep and dreams. Multiciência online, p. 1 - 20.
RIBEIRO, S. Coluna Limiar (coluna publicada mensalmente desde Setembro de 2004). Viver Mente & Cérebro.
RIBEIRO, S. Conviver com a doença mental, em suas inúmeras e perturbadoras variantes, é uma das mais complexas questões éticas da vida em sociedade. Viver Mente & Cérebro. São Paulo, edição 188, Setembro 2008.
Malcher-Lopes, R. e RIBEIRO, S. A neurobiologia da maconha. Viver Mente & Cérebro. São Paulo, edição 180, janeiro 2008.
RIBEIRO, S. Ciência e religião aproximam-se nos relatos de experiências de quase-morte: visões luminosas, desconexão mente-corpo e retrospecto da própria vida. Viver Mente & Cérebro. São Paulo, edição 158, março 2006.
RIBEIRO, S. Evidência de que a maconha promove o surgimento de novos neurônios deve acirrar ainda mais o debate entre partidários e detratores da planta. Viver Mente & Cérebro. São Paulo, edição 155, dezembro 2005.